Sunday, January 22, 2017

Quarter 3 --Week 3

... Dusk, Snow, Winter, Trees, ...
                                                                                                                  January 23, 2017

Dear Bighorn Parents,

Although last week was a short week due to the Martin Luther King holiday, it was definitely a busy one in 2nd grade.  

MathMeasuring Tape, Measurement ...
In math we have continued our work in measurement.  Students have spent quite a bit of time estimating and measuring in both customary (inches, feet, and yards) and metric (centimeters and meters).  In class we have been discussing what unit of measurement is appropriate for measuring items.  For example you wouldn’t measure the length of the room in inches, feet, yards, or meters would be a more appropriate unit.  We will finish up this week with determing how much longer one item is than another.  Students will be assessed on Tuesday.

This week we will be revisiting the branching method to add but we will be working on renaming.  Mrs. Bloomfield and I are confident that students are very strong with their addition strategies and will be very successful as we introduce renaming with addition this week.  With that being said, we are now entering a couple of weeks with primarily paper homework, since IXL does not have objectives that we can use to give students the practice on the various strategies.


Workbook pages 108 and 109
Worksheet Review Branching Strategy (no renaming)
Worksheet Branching Renaming Ones (addition)
Worksheet Branching Renaming Tens (addition)

It's all about vocabulary in language.  Students have been learning about shades of meaning with similiar words.  One example from this past week is listed below.  Students have also been working on ordering groups of words by intensity.  We are incorporating some of our new vocabulary words into our speaking and writing.

Annoyed                                                 Upset                                                    Rage
Weaker                                                                                                              Stronger

Historians in Rooms 3 and 17 have spent time learning about the important events in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King.  Students will be putting this information in a timeline.  After putting together a timeline for Dr. Martin Luther King, students will then create a personal timeline.  Towards the end of the week, second grade historians will spend time researching a decade between 1900 and 2000.  Over the next couple of weeks students will be learning about the important people, events, inventions, music, and books that happened during their decade.  We will keep you posted as we learn about the different decades that made up the 20th century.

With the weather being so CRAZY please be sure that your child has outerwear to keep them warm during outside times.

Miss Garcia & Mrs. Bloomfiels