Sunday, January 31, 2016

Quarter 3 week 5

Snow, Winter, Aesthetic, Tree,

February 1, 2016
Dear Bighorns,

Miss Garcia and myself can't believe we just changed the calendar pieces from January to February!!  How can we be done with the first calendar month of the year???

In math 2nd grade students have been working very hard using previously learned strategies (open number line-last week and branch models-this week) renaming the ones and tens to add and subtract within one thousand.  This work involves a lot of decomposing and composing of numbers.  Students are showing their ability with number flexibility as they are catching on very quickly.
Examples from last week…
450  +  90 = ___             1.  The next hundred after 450 is 500.
          ↙ ↘                       2.  To get to 500 you need 50, so the 90 get decomposed into 50 and 40.
      50   40                     3.  The renamed equation is 500 + 40 = 540.
500 + 40 = 540                4.  Check by using the open number line.

56  -  7 = ____     1.  The last ten before 56 is 50.
       ↙ ↘              2.  To get to 50 you need to subtract 6, so the 7 gets decomposed into 6 and 1.     
     6    1                   Then take the 6 and subtract it from the 56 to make 50.
56 -6 = 50            3.  The renamed equation is 50 - 1 = 49.
50 - 1 = 49           4.  Check by using the open number line.
Examples for this week…
Renaming the ones.
606   +   145  =                                         1.  Decompose addends by place value.
         ↙↓↘         ↙↓↘                                 2.  Group hundreds.  Group tens.  Group ones.
     600  0   6   100 40  5                          3.  Add hundreds.  Add tens.  Add ones.
(600 + 100) + (0 + 40) + (6 + 5)                4.  Decompose the ones place to rename.
      700       +     40     +     11                   5.  Write and solve renamed equation.          
                                          ↙ ↘
                                        10   1
      700        +     50     +     1 =  751
Renaming the tens.
256   +    371  =                                1.  Decompose addends by place value.
         ↙↓↘         ↙↓↘                                   2.  Group hundreds.  Group tens.  Group ones.
  200  50  6  300 70 1                                3.  Add hundreds.  Add tens.  Add ones
(200 + 300) + (50 + 70) + (6 + 1)                4.  Decompose the tens place to rename.
                      ↙ ↘                                       5.  Decompose the tens place to rename hundreds place.          
                     20 30                                     6.  Write and solve renamed equation.  
500     +     120     +     7
                  ↙ ↘
               100  20
600    +    20    +    7  = 627

Due to our work in math over the next couple of weeks, 2nd grade homework for this week will be worksheets.

Valentine’s Day
Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, Oasis Academy will not be holding parties for Valentine’s Day or having students pass out Valentines.  With Valentine’s Day included in the long President’s Day Weekend, Oasis families are encouraged to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their families.

With the crazy (but fun) weather this weekend, we’re hoping that the upcoming week warms up a bit.

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 4

Happy Monday Bighorns,

Last week the second graders worked on adding ones up to a 3 digit number using both decomposing and composing strategies.  However, this week the 2nd graders are subtracting 1’s and 10’s up to a 3 digit number.

Example 1:  Adding ones by making the next ten.

56  +  7 = ____          1.  The next ten after 56 is 60.
       ↙ ↘                 2.  To get to 60 you need 4, so the 7 gets decomposed into 4 and 3.     
     4    3                      Then take the 4 and compose it with the 56 to make 60.
60 + 3 = 63                  3.  The renamed equation is 60 + 3 = 63.

Example 2:  Adding tens by making the next hundred.
450  +  90 = ___        1.  The next hundred after 450 is 500.
         ↙ ↘                  2.  To get to 500 you need 50, so the 90 get decomposed into 50 and
     50   40                   40.  Then take the 50 and compose it with the 450 to make 500.
500 + 40 = 540          3.  The renamed equation is 500 + 40 = 540.

After solving the equation, students used the open number strategy to check their answers.

As was mentioned last week homework for the week will be worksheets because the standards being worked on are not on IXL.  This will be the case for the next few weeks.

Fun Fact:
January is National “Thank You” month...give thanks to someone you know!
Thank you for supporting your child’s learning and being involved in their education!  It is greatly appreciated.

Valentine’s Day
Just a reminder...since Valentine's Day falls on the weekend.  The students of Oasis Academy will not be celebrating it with parties or bringing valentines to school.  We hope that you will enjoy celebrating this holiday at home with your family.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Second Grade Homework....

Dear Parents,

Nevada State Standards require your child to learn several strategies to add, subtract, problem solve etc.   I know the homework last night was a difficult concept for the group.

Tonight, the kids will be using 10's to make 100's numbers and will use those numbers to add in the 10's.

Tonight's homework has the first problem done for you and your child as an example...

Thank you for supporting your child's learning!
Miss Garcia

Monday, January 18, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 3

Welcome back Bighorns!

We hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend!  It was nice to have Monday off to catch up and get things done at home!  

In celebration of MLK Jr. week we will be discussing racism, equality and inequality.  The students have been really enthralled by the information that they have been learning.  We have some discussions during class time however, this is also a great time to incorporate discussion at home with your second grader.  You can also discuss what is fair vs. unfair in the past compared to present day.

This week in math we will focus on...strategies for regrouping and decomposing/composing strategies in math.  

There will be NO IXL, however, your child will have worksheets dealing with these concepts.  Please remember that your child may choose IXL to practice at home.

Thank You,
Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Quarter 3 week 2

Happy Monday!

Your child should be able to come home and discuss measurement with you!   The students have been having a great time measuring using both standard (inches, centimeters, feet) and non-standard units (small and large paperclips, cubes, tiles).  They should be able to tell you that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches.  

The second graders will continue to work on measuring this week and we hope to test by Thursday.  They have shown great interest in measurement.  They have had the chance to explore with many tools: rulers, measuring tapes, yardsticks, tape measures as well as a measuring wheel...ask your student what you can use a measuring wheel for.  I purchased one for the classroom and will share it between my class and Mrs. Bloomfield’s class.  I also purchased a tape measure that measures to 100 ft. because the kids have expressed an interest in measuring the cafeteria, classroom and hallways!  Their questions and interests really guide the instruction in our classroom.  

Measuring Wheel - used to measure long distances

Here is the homework for Week 20.
IXL S.1 Read a thermometer
IXL S.4 Word Problems (inches)
Workbook page 99 &100
No Homework.  Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday
Next Week
We will be starting a new project on Geography.   Our introduction activity will be to use Google Maps to locate North America, Nevada, Churchill County, Fallon, and Oasis Academy.  Each student will  use their Chrome book as a tool to locate their address using Google Maps.

We will also continue working on compound words.  

Have a great week!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To ALL of my second grade families who gave/donated to my Oasis Academy Christmas gifts.  My stocking was filled with all of my favorite kind of stuff!  Making the change and coming to Oasis has made a positive impact in my life and also to my teaching career.  Thank you for taking such GREAT care of me!  I promise to take GREAT care of your children, I'm so lucky to have them this year.

Happy New Year!
Miss Garcia

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quarter 3 week 1

Happy 2016 Bighorn Families,

We hope you had a restful, happy and fun-filled Winter Break.  I can’t believe that here we are getting lesson plans ready for week 20!

The week of before Winter Break we did a lot of review, assessing and reassessing in both first and second grade classes.

We are starting off the New Year with measuring.  Second graders will be expected to work on and meet the following standards:

  • measure to determine which objects are longer than others
  • estimate lengths using centimeters, inches, and feet
  • measure an object twice using different units of measurements
  • select appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks or measuring tapes in order to measure accurately.

Page 94
IXL S.15 Choose the appropriate measuring tool
IXL S.2 Measure using a inch ruler
IXL S.8 Measure using a centimeter ruler

News from Mrs. Rowlett

Welcome back 2nd grade families,

I hope everyone had a restful break.  This week in Language Arts class we will be working on compound words, continue to write using our strategies and 5 star sentences.  We will also be beginning Wonder stories this week.  We will use these non-fiction text to answer questions about the text by highlighting where in the story the answer can be found.

Homework reminder -- All Bighorns should be reading 20 minutes each night.  If your child doesn't bring a book home to read please have them choose a book from home to read.  

Have a great week!