Sunday, April 17, 2016

Quarter 4 -- Week 5

by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      

                                                                                                                       April 18, 2016
Dear Parents,

The school year continues to fly by, it’s hard to believe that we only have 5 weeks left of school!!  

In Math, 2nd graders will be starting their last “new” unit of the school year--multiplication.  We will be using number bonds and the terms equal groups, repeated addition, and arrays as we explore this concept.  Students will spend time drawing lots of pictures as we learn the foundation of multiplication.

Number Bond
▋ ▋ ▋ ▋     ▋ ▋▋ ▋      ▋ ▋ ▋▋
This number bond can be described the following ways....

Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 = 12
Equal Groups...3 groups of 4 equals 12

Array                     C
ROWS   Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   L      This array can be described as...
          Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   U       Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
          Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   M       Equal Groups… 3 rows of 4
                            N       Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 =12

Here’s the homework for the week...
IXL W.2 Identify Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
IXL W.3 Write Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
IXL W.4 Relate Addition and Multiplication Sentences
for Equal Groups
IXL W.5 Write Multiplication Sentences for Arrays

This week promises to be busy with beautiful weather.  We hope our 2nd grade families are able to get out and enjoy spring in Fallon!!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia