Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 24 March 5-8

                                                                                       March 4, 2018
Dear Parents,

Even though we are in March and spring will be upon us in a few short weeks,
winter is gripping Fallon!  Though weather is supposed to be warmish for the
beginning part of the week but will be chilly by the end of the week!  Please
dress your child appropriately for the temperature!

Students have completed a unit on adding and subtracting with 100 and 1,000
with renaming.  We focused on the Branching Strategy and the Partial Sum and
Partial Difference Strategy.  Although we are done with this unit students will
continue to practice with Problem of the Day and daily "Do Nows".

This week students will be working on the concept of time.  Students will be
building on the skills learned in 1st grade to tell time to the nearest 5 minute
interval and students will also be labeling with times with am or pm.  This unit
will be completed in a week.  With students assessing on Thursday.  Here is the
homework for the week.
Analog Clock         Digital Clock
Mon.    IXL Q.3  Match Analog and Digital Clocks
Tues.   IXL Q.6  Time Words--O'Clock, Half, and Quarter
Wed.    IXL Q.7 AM or PM
Thurs. IXL  Q.15 Calendar

Language and Writing
Students will be learning about using commas in a list and in the greeting and
closing of a friendly letter.  As students learn about commas they will be writing
a letter to a Leprechaun asking the Leprechaun to grant them a wish!  It will be
be interesting to see what 2nd grade students wish for.

This past week students did a little research on land forms and bodies of water.  
Students were assigned a specific land form or body of water to define, draw,
learn where it would be found in the world, and students need to find 2 different
interesting facts about their land form or body of water.  Students will be taking
the information a creating a slide to go into a classroom slideshow on land
forms and bodies of water.

Last week your child brought home a flyer about collecting "box tops".  This is
an easy way to support Oasis Academy.  Please collect "box tops" for Oasis

Language Arts News from Mrs. Rowlett
The second graders did an amazing job on their maps testing. They all tried their best and made great growth. We will be back to our normal reading groups schedule with 20 minutes of nightly reading. Spelling will also resume this week. Have a great Monday!!

Have a wonderful week!
Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett