October 30, 2017
Dear Second Grade Parents,
On Monday, October 30th we will be beginning the 9th week of school. This will mark the end of the 1st quarter but this only means that our specials will change. On November 6th Ms. Garcia’s class will start music with Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Bloomfield’s class will start art with Mrs. Johnson.
It’s a week of performances for 2nd Grade. Both classes will perform their long awaited Tribes Reader’s Theater. The performances will take place in your child’s classroom on Thursday, November 2nd at 3:30 pm. Each class has 4 Reader’s Theaters and the entire performance will not take longer than 20-25 minutes. We hope you can come!!
In addition to our Thursday performance, Mrs. Bloomfield’s class will end their quarter in Music with a performance on Monday, October 30th at 1:00 pm in Mrs. Barton’s music room.
The Oasis Academy Book Fair is here all week. Mrs. Bloomfield’s class will preview the Book Fair on Monday, October 30th from 9:20-9:40 am. Miss Garcia’s class will preview the Book Fair on Tuesday, October 31st from 9:20-9:40 am. Students are free to make purchases during the preview or throughout the week during recess, lunch times, or after school. Family Night will be Thursday, November 2nd from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Dundgeon.
Here's the happenings of 2nd grade in a "nutshell"...
Part of the 2nd grade math standards include adding and subtracting within 1,000 using strategies base on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. With that said, students practiced another strategy for adding called Partial sums.
This strategy looks like this...
3 6 → 30 + 6 1. Show the first addend in expanded form.
+ 4 2 → 40 + 2 2. Show the second addend in expanded form.
7 0 70 + 8 3. Add the tens then add the ones.
+ 8 4. Add the partial sums--70 + 8.
7 8
We realize that these strategies are very different from the traditional algorithm that we all learned but knowing these strategies helps to deepen the mathematical understanding of adding and subtracting.
Mon. Worksheet--Open Number Line Subtraction 10’s and 1’s (2 digit numbers)
Tues. Happy Halloween--No Homework
Wed. Worksheet-- Partial Sums (2 digit numbers)
Thurs. Worksheet--Partial Sums (2 digit numbers)
We finished up our work with irregular past tense verbs last week. Second graders will be revisiting nouns as we review singular and plural nouns and learn about collective nouns. Collective nouns name a group like a pod of whales or a class of students.
Opinions, opinions, opinions are dominating our writing. Second grade students have been practicing with some simple “Would you rather…” statements. We have been working hard on not only giving reasons for our opinions, but explaining those reasons.
We are finally finishing up our Tribes in Action Project. Students will be putting on their finishing touches and practicing this week so they are ready to perform for you on Thursday!!
Wishing all of our 2nd grade families a safe, fun-filled Halloween!
Reading News from Mrs. Rowlett
2nd graders did a great job on their spelling test this week. We will not have any homework on Tuesday! Have a safe and fun Halloween.
Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett