September 3, 2017
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! The 2nd Grade Team (Mrs. Bloomfield, Miss Sue, Miss Garcia, and Mr. Carroll) were so happy to meet so many students on Wednesday afternoon and then have so many parents come back to join us on Wednesday evening for Back to School Night!
Our main focus of the first week of school will be working on the day to day routines that are so important to establish. Time spent on routines early in the year make the rest of the year run very smoothly. Even though we will be working hard on our routines our academic work will begin as well. We will begin switching for reading with Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Rowlett starting on Tuesday. Our first writing assignment will also be started this week. We will also begin our first project of the year, which will focus around the Tribes Agreements of Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Appreciations, No Put-Downs, and the Right to Pass. It's going to be a busy week!!
Remember, it's a long day for 2nd graders! Going to school until 4:00 PM is a big transition from last year! When you take a longer school day and add on activities such as soccer, football, or dance; there is bound to be an adjustment period. Please make sure that your child has a second healthy snack for the afternoon. They will definitely be tired, be sure to establish bedtimes that ensure that your child gets enough sleep.
Additional Supply Item
We made an error on the 2nd Grade Supply List. Students will need head phones for their chrome books. Please label them with your child’s name. They will not need them until the week of Sept. 11th. Sorry for the inconvenience!!
As we move into this new school year, Miss Garcia and myself will be sending home assigned math homework starting Tuesday. The homework schedule for the week is listed below. We will be teaching classroom routines and beginning some informal assessments. We suggest that you practice your homework time routine on Tuesday and Wednesday evening by spending 20 minutes reading with or to your child and practicing 15 minutes of math OR 10 math problems - not NOT to exceed 15 minutes. It is our hope to ease your 2nd grader and your family into the new school year. Looking forward to our first day, Tuesday, September 5th!
Happy Back to School,
Mrs. Bloomfield & Miss Garcia
Making Groups of 10 and Counting Worksheet
IXL A.1 Skip Counting
Base Ten Block Worksheet