Thanks for making Parent Teacher Conferences great!! Friday was definitely a packed day, but it was very fun to meet with so many families to discuss the progress of your student. I only have a handful of conferences for this week and I am looking forward to visiting with these families as well!
Last Tuesday, all the second and fifth graders walked over to Venturucci Park for Popscicles in the Park. Our fifth grade friends were an incredible help with our Decade Project and this was a fun way to thank them.
This past week students spent time exploring fractions. So far students have worked on naming fractions of a whole, recognizing the unit fractions one half, one third, and one fourth. Students have also worked on identifying, reading, and writing fractions. 
We worked on describing fractions by saying 3/4 of the shape is green.
3/4 is 3 out of the 4 equal parts.
Our work in fractions will continue this week with an assessment on Wednesday. Here's this week's homework.
IXL W.4-Which Shape Illustrates a Fraction?
IXL W.10-Fraction Models Equivalent to Whole Numbers.
IXL P.12 Subtract Money Up to $1: Word Problems
IXL P.19 How Much More Make a Dollar?
In language 2nd graders worked on combining, expanding, and rearranging sentences. This was a standard that we started before Spring Break and finished last week. Students will test on Monday after correcting our Scoot Review that we completed Thursday.
With opinion writing and research work behind us, our second writers are moving back into narrative writing. Each student is working on a “small moment” narrative related to an activity they did over Spring Break. We worked on prewriting and our rough drafts last week. Students will revise and edit this week, then produce a final copy.
Our new project is focused on plants. Last week students soaked and planted bean seeds. Each child planted 2 seeds. The first seed will receive sun and water and the second seed will receive water and no sun. It will be interesting to see how well the plants grow.
With April, the days have been a little warmer (except for last Thursday when every type of possible precipatation-rain, sleet, hail, and snow happened) and of course a bit lighter later. Lacrosse, softball, and baseball are all in full swing, which makes for very busy afternoons and nights. Please be sure to try to keep a regular schedule as Miss Garcia and myself want well rested learners.
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia