February 6, 2017
Dear Bighorns,
Mrs. Bloomfield and I can't believe we just changed the calendar pieces from January to February!! How can we be done with the first calendar month of the year???
In math 2nd grade students have been working very hard using previously learned strategies (open number line-last week and branch models-this week) renaming the ones and tens to add and subtract within one thousand. This work involves a lot of decomposing and composing of numbers. Students are showing their ability with number flexibility as they are catching on very quickly.
Examples from last week…
450 + 90 = ___ 1. The next hundred after 450 is 500.
↙ ↘ 2. To get to 500 you need 50, so the 90 get decomposed into 50 and 40.
50 40 3. The renamed equation is 500 + 40 = 540.
500 + 40 = 540 4. Check by using the open number line.
56 - 7 = ____ 1. The last ten before 56 is 50.
↙ ↘ 2. To get to 50 you need to subtract 6, so the 7 gets decomposed into 6 and 1.
6 1 Then take the 6 and subtract it from the 56 to make 50.
56 -6 = 50 3. The renamed equation is 50 - 1 = 49.
50 - 1 = 49 4. Check by using the open number line.
Examples for this week…
Renaming the ones.
606 + 145 = 1. Decompose addends by place value.
↙↓↘ ↙↓↘ 2. Group hundreds. Group tens. Group ones.
600 0 6 100 40 5 3. Add hundreds. Add tens. Add ones.
(600 + 100) + (0 + 40) + (6 + 5) 4. Decompose the ones place to rename.
700 + 40 + 11 5. Write and solve renamed equation.
↙ ↘
10 1
700 + 50 + 1 = 751
Renaming the tens.
256 + 371 = 1. Decompose addends by place value.
↙↓↘ ↙↓↘ 2. Group hundreds. Group tens. Group ones.
200 50 6 300 70 1 3. Add hundreds. Add tens. Add ones
(200 + 300) + (50 + 70) + (6 + 1) 4. Decompose the tens place to rename.
↙ ↘ 5. Decompose the tens place to rename hundreds place.
20 30 6. Write and solve renamed equation.
500 + 120 + 7
↙ ↘
100 20
600 + 20 + 7 = 62
Due to our work in math over the next couple of weeks, 2nd grade homework for this week will be worksheets.
We have moved from working on shades of meaning of words to using commas. In 1st grade students learn about using commas in a date and using commas to separate words in a list. This week we reviewed the 1st grade comma standard and started learning about the 2nd grade comma standard, which is using commas in the greeting and closing of friendly letters.
Second grade students have been very busy researching the famous person they selected last week. Students have used 2 resources to research their person, filled out a note taker, and worked on creating a slide show. Students will be finishing their slide shows this week and presenting their research to the class this coming week. The students have been very excited about learning about their famous person!
Students have worked on their personal time lines. Thank you for sending in some dates for some of the special events that your child has achieved during their lifetime. Our 2nd graders have been paired and they have drawn a decade from the 20th century to explore. Students will be researching about their decade and have a list of facts to find. The facts include everything from the President of the United States to popular children’s movies of the decade. Students will really start digging into this project this week.
Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is coming up on Tuesday, February 14th. Since this holiday falls on a school day, the 2nd grade team will enjoy a few activities at the end of the day. Our plan is to have students pass out Valentines (please be sure that your child sends one to everyone), play Valentine Bingo, and share appreciations. Miss Garcia and myself wish to have the children enjoy the holiday with our students in a very simple manner.
FYI...The Oasis Student Council will be selling Candy Grams. Although Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders will not be allowed to buy them, parents may purchase them at the front office.
Wishing you all a great week!
Mrs. Bloomfield and Miss Garcia