Dear Parents December 12, 2016
Thursday, December 22nd, Oasis Academy will be having a “Celebration Day” for ALL of the hard work and dedication that the 3rd through 8th grade students who had to take the “Smarter Balance” and End of Course exams last spring. Our students did a fantastic job on the assessments and Mrs. Mackedon granted us a special holiday activity day. Students can dress in “Holiday Attire,” they do NOT have to wear their Oasis Uniforms that day. This day will be filled with fun activities connected to our learning!
Snow Day Slide show
Snow Day Slide show
Free picture slideshow made with Smilebox |
Our work in math centered around composing and decomposing shapes and identifying and extending patterns.Students spent quite a bit of time cutting out shapes and putting them together to compose another shape from the orignal shapes. Students got very creative with their composed shapes!
We also spent some time decomposing a square (tangram) into 7 shapes, (5 triangles, 1 parallelogram, and 1 square) called "tans". After cutting them apart students had to try form different shapes using some or all of the tans.
Finally, we worked on reading, naming, extending, and creating patterns. Students used shapes to create a pattern with a pattern unit of 3 or 4. We practiced with patterns that used orientation and students were encouraged use that attribute in their own pattern.
This pattern is an AABC pattern. It's repeating unit is 2 triangles pointing up, 1 small triangle pointing to the right, and 1 triangle pointing down.
Here is the homework for Week 17...
Workbook pg. 24
Worksheet pg. 11-12
Workbook pg. 25-26
IXL M.3 Place Value Models Up to 1,000
Second grade writers are continuing to work on opinion writing. Students have completed a group opinion piece about whether restaurants should be allowed to ban children. This led to some great discussions about the pros and cons on the topic. At the end of last week students were introduced to another topic to discuss and write on--Should All Children Participating in an Activity Recieve a Trophy/Award. We have spent time listing pros and cons for this topic. Students have decided whether they are pro or con and have completed a flee map in preparation to write their rough draft.
Language Arts
In Language Arts students finished up our unit on capitalization. Students assessed on capitalization this week. Although students did quite well on the assessment overall, we will still be working hard to make sure that the capitalization skills learned carries into our daily writing.
Work on matter projects continue...students in partnerships have selected the form of matter that they will heat and cool. Student scientists are working on lab reports. They have written a question, formed a hypothesis, listed materials, and have worked on writing a procedure. This project will be wrapped up next week.
As the time until Christmas gets shorter, we all get so busy!! My hope for all my 2nd grade families is that even within the "holiday rush" you are able to step away and enjoy the beauty of the season. Here's to a peaceful week.
Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett