Saturday, December 31, 2016

Thank You and Happy New Year!

Image result for thank you images

I would like to thank ALL of my students for my Christmas stocking!  It was full of gift certificates, chocolate, Sharpies, Post It notes and super cute snowman socks!  Thank you for taking such great care of me, I am truly grateful for my students and parents this year!  Merry Christmas and Happy 2017!  I an sooooooo grateful for you ALL.

Happy New Year,
Miss Garcia

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Quarter 2 -- Week 9

Merry Christmas ...
Dear Second Grade Families,

We are down to the last 4 days before Christmas Break!!  I know that everybody has busy households as we finish all our Christmas preparations, yet stay caught up with our day to day activities.  Easier said than done--but try very hard to enjoy some peace within this busy time of year.

Important Reminders

2015-2016 Great Results on Assessments Celebration-December 22nd
On Thursday, December 22nd, students will have a curriculum based fun activity day.  In the 1st and 2nd grades, we will be learning about winter holidays around the world as students will explore the countries of Mexico, Australia, Germany, and Sweden.  This exploration will include reading, writing, math, and geography standards.  On this special day students do not need to wear their uniform--time to wear some fun holiday clothes of your choice!!

Along with being the last 4 days until break it is also the last 4 day of the 2nd quarter.  Our week will be spent completing report card assessments.  The second quarter report cards will go home in January.

This past week in math has been all about reviewing place value.  Students spent time showing numbers up to 1,000 using base ten blocks, drawing pictures, and writing numbers using standard form, expanded form, and word form.  We finished the week comparing two 3-digit numbers using the greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) symbols.  

This week we will review gathering data, tally charts, picture graphs, and bar graphs on Monday.  The rest of the week will be spent working on using a number line to add and subtract positive and negative numbers.

Here’s our math homework for the week.
R.3 Which Bar Graph is Correct?
A.14 Counting Patterns Up to 1,000
G.7  Addition Input/Output Tables up to 2-Digits
No Homework--Happy Christmas Vacation

News from Mrs. Rowlett
This week we will be finishing up our second quarter assessments. Your child will not have a regular reading group. Please have your child choose a book to read for 20 minutes. Also, it is not required, but having your child read regularly over Christmas break will keep them in the routine and also prevent a slide. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a restful winter break!

As we close out the year 2016 and the 2nd quarter, we’re wishing all Second Grade Families a wonderful, restful, and safe holiday season!

Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett
3 Stockings Free Stock Photo ...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Quarter 2 Week 8 -- Slideshow and Info

Dear Parents                                                         December 12, 2016

Happy Monday!  There are only two weeks left until Christmas Break.  It will go by quickly and we will continue to read, write and work on math everyday.  Please make sure that your child is at school everyday so they do not miss out on any learning and special projects.  

Thursday, December 22nd, Oasis Academy will be having a “Celebration Day” for ALL of the hard work and dedication that the 3rd through 8th grade students who had to take the “Smarter Balance” and End of Course exams last spring.  Our students did a fantastic job on the assessments and Mrs. Mackedon granted us a special holiday activity day.  Students can dress in “Holiday Attire,” they do NOT have to wear their Oasis Uniforms that day.  This day will be filled with fun activities connected to our learning!
Snow Day Slide show

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Our work in math centered around composing and decomposing shapes and identifying and extending patterns.Students spent quite a bit of time cutting out shapes and putting them together to compose another shape from the orignal shapes.  Students got very creative with their composed shapes!  

We also spent some time decomposing a square (tangram) into 7 shapes, (5 triangles, 1 parallelogram, and 1 square) called "tans".  After cutting them apart students had to try form different shapes using some or all of the tans.

Finally, we worked on reading, naming, extending, and creating patterns.  Students used shapes to create a pattern with a pattern unit of 3 or 4.  We practiced with patterns that used orientation  and students were encouraged use that attribute in their own pattern.

This pattern is an AABC pattern.  It's repeating unit is 2 triangles pointing up, 1 small triangle pointing to the right, and 1 triangle pointing down.

Here is the homework for Week 17...
Workbook pg. 24
Worksheet pg. 11-12
Workbook pg. 25-26
IXL M.3 Place Value Models Up to 1,000

Second grade writers are continuing to work on opinion writing.  Students have completed a group opinion piece about whether restaurants should be allowed to ban children.  This led to some great discussions about the pros and cons on the topic.  At the end of last week students were introduced to another topic to discuss and write on--Should All Children Participating in an Activity Recieve a Trophy/Award.  We have spent time listing pros and cons for this topic.  Students have decided whether they are pro or con and have completed a flee map in preparation to write their rough draft.
Language Arts
In Language Arts students finished up our unit on capitalization.  Students assessed on capitalization this week.  Although students did quite well on the assessment overall, we will still be working hard to make sure that the capitalization skills learned carries into our daily writing.
Work on matter projects continue...students in partnerships have selected the form of matter that they will heat and cool.  Student scientists are working on lab reports.  They have written a question, formed a hypothesis, listed materials, and have worked on writing a procedure.  This project will be wrapped up next week.  

As the time until Christmas gets shorter, we all get so busy!!  My hope for all my 2nd grade families is that even within the "holiday rush" you are able to step away and enjoy the beauty of the season.  Here's to a peaceful week.
Snowman ...

Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Quarter 2 Week 7

Open ...

December 5, 2016

Dear Bighorn Parents,

December seems to have snuck up on us.  Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday.  This is an extremely busy time of year--Christmas decorating, parties, and other treasured holiday traditions, please remember with all the fun festivities to try to keep a “regular” homework and sleeping schedule for your child.
... Female, Girl, Winter, Cap
With the end of November and beginning of December has come some bitter, cold weather.  Students are on the playground before school, outside at snack recess, and outside again at lunch recess.  Although it has been warming up by the afternoon, students need to have appropriate outerwear for the weather.

Every year our Student Council selects a local group to support with donations.  This year the Student Council has been collecting money for the Fallon Youth Club.  The class that brings in the most donations will be awarded with a movie and a Taco Bell snack.

Last week we started some work in geometry.  Our focus was categorizing 3-dimensional shapes.  We worked on this in whole group as students suggested different ways to sort the solids.  Students came up with many different ideas such as color, shape, and size.  Eventually student sorted them by solids with curved faces and solids with flat faces.

During the week students also made 3-dimensional shapes.  We are focusing on identifying the 3-dimensional shapes by name (sphere, cube, cone, retangular solid, triangular solid, pyramid, and cylinder.  Students are describing the 3-dimensional shapes by talking about their edges,vertices, and faces.

We are also very busy with working with our "high number".  Students are working with their "high number" daily and are assessed 2 times per week.  The goal for students is to complete 50 mixed problems (addition and subtraction) correctly in 4 minutes.  Students graph their progress twice a week.
Here's the homework for the upcoming week.

IXL U.5  Identify Faces of 3-Dimensional Shapes
IXL  U.7  Shapes of Everyday Objects (Part 1)
IXL T.5 Flip, Turn, and Slide
No Homework (due to assessment)

Students are focusing on capital letters in language.  We are using the acronym MINTS (M=months and days of the week, I=the pronoun “I” anywhere in a sentence, N=the names of people, places, and things,T=titles, and S=start of every sentence) to help us to remember words that need to be capitalized.  Our work with capitalizing will continue into this week.  We have made a resource for our room to help us remember when we need to capitalize.

The writers in 2nd grade have completed a persuasive piece trying to convince their parents to get something or allow them to do something.  Students had to come up with reasons and examples to support their “want”.  These pieces will be up in the hall for you to enjoy.  
Our writing is now moving more towards opinion writing.  Students having been taking sides on whether or not restaurants should be allowed to ban children.  They have listed reasons with examples for “pro” and “con” on this topic and have used those reasons and examples to fill out a flee map.  This information will be used write together an opinion paragraph.

Students are ready to experiment by cooling or heating their chosen matter (solid or liquid).  They will work through the scientific method with a partner creating a science board.  

Wishing you peace as you prepare for the holidays!!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia