November 14, 2014
Dear Parents,

Congratulations to our October Students of the Month at Oasis Academy! You worked hard to display the Tribe Agreements, being a good friend, working hard, completing your homework and being a dedicated student!
Our 2nd grade students have been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!
Second grade students have been busy collecting data, creating picture graphs and bar graphs, and answering questions using the graphs. Students are zooming along with these Measurement and Data Standards. This coming week students will learn about line plots. We will be able to assess on this standard before Thanksgiving!
Here’s the homework for the week....
IXL R.8 Create Pictographs
IXL R.4 Create Bar Graphs
IXL R.5 Interpret Line Plots
IXL R.6 Create Line Plots
Students have continued to work on identifying adjectives in text and using adjectives in writing. This past week students participated in an activity called “Adjective Triangles”. They picked an image and listed 4 adjectives to describe the image. The formatting of this writing made a triangle, thus the name “Adjective Triangles”. Second graders will move on to adverbs this week. Being aware of adjectives and adverbs will help students to write with stronger details.
We are finishing up our first opinion/persuasive piece in writing. Beware!! All students are writing about something they would like to ask their parents for-- all students are stating their “want”, backing it up with 3 reasons with examples, and closing by restating what they would like. Students have come up with a variety items to ask for...everything from a puppy to new furniture.
Projects have continued with work on the Scientific Method--Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results, and Conclusion. This past week students have been using the Scientific Method as they explore what happens when solids (baking soda, salt, sugar, flour, and sand) are mixed with liquids (vinegar and water). Second grade students have done a great job making observations as they have mixed various solids and liquids. Our work with the Scientific Method will help students next week when they begin to develop their own questions to explore how matter can be changed and whether those changes are reversible or irreversible.
A few other notes…
Oasis Academy is collecting “Box Tops”. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many families will be busy cooking. Check to see if any of the items you are using have a “Box Top” on them. “Box Tops” are little thing that can make a big difference!
Oasis Academy is also collecting money for the Fallon Youth Club. This is being sponsored by the Student Council. The class bringing in the most money will be awarded a movie and a treat from Taco Bell.
Finally, we are looking for a few parent helpers to teach P.E. on Thursdays. Ideally Mrs. Bloomfield and myself would like helpers from 3:20-3:55. If you would like to help out with P.E. please let us know.
Looking forward to another wonderful week full of learning!
Miss Garcia & Mrs. Rowlett