Hello Second Grade Families,
Thank you to all the families that came and watched our puppet show. The students worked hard preparing them and had a great time preforming them for you!!!
We will be moving on to our next big project which is matter. Last week we took a walk around Venturacci park to look for the different forms of matter. This will be another fun project for the second graders.
Homework Monday - Wednesday will be homework worksheets --
No Homework on Thursday -- Enjoy Fall Break (school will resume on 10/24)
Miss Garcia
A Note from Mrs. Rowlett
All second graders have completed their second week of spelling tests. Spelling words are introduced on Monday of each week, a list is sent home in your child's binder. 2nd graders practice these words during Daily 5. Reversals do count as a wrong answers. Hopefully your child has been talking to you about the various syllable types that we have been learning about in class. We have learned 6 of the 7 syllable types. This week we are focusing on breaking words into syllables and identifying the open, closed, and vowel-consonant-e syllable types. Please continue to have your child read aloud to you nightly to help them improve their reading fluency. Students will also be assessed on reading fluency each week. They need to be able to read 100 words per minute by the end of 2nd grade.
This week I will be completing report card assessments as the end of the quarter is at the end of the week. Your child may not have a guided reading book but may be choosing books from our classroom library to take home to read each night. Please sign their reading log each night this week so that I know that they are taking the time to practice their reading at home.
Happy reading,
Mrs. Rowlett