Happy Monday,
We have sad but exciting news...one of our 2nd grade friends moved back to Reno this weekend, so that means that we will be getting a NEW 2nd grade friend this Monday! The kids and I are so excited to meet our new student.
I am always so proud of how your children care for and show concern for other students!
We will continue to count money this week. I will be introducing bills and money within word problems. It is great real world practice for your student to count amounts of change at home. We have discussed how to exchange money for equivalent amounts.
Here is your 2nd graders homework for the week of November 16th - 19th.
IXL - P.3 count pennies, nickels and dimes
IXL - P.4 count money up to $1
Homework Page
IXL - P.7 Equivalent coins
News from Mrs. Rowlett
2nd graders are doing a great job in reading. We are working on story elements and comprehension strategies especially now that we are all reading chapter books. Students are beginning to bring home comprehension questions to answer with their assigned book. One of the second grade standards states that students need to be able to answer questions about what they have read. They should be able to answer these questions quickly and I ask that they restate their questions and answer in complete sentence. Continue to have your child practice reading aloud to you.