Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 23 Feb. 26 - March 1

Dear Parents,

Winter is certainly back!!!  Like last week, this week could be a bit cold with even more snow.
 Please make sure that you child has appropriate outerwear for the weather.

2nd graders will be taking the MAPs test Tomorrow. Please make sure they have a good nights sleep. Due to the MAPs test they will not have spelling this week.

This week we are focusing on Partial Differences.  The students should be familiar with this
strategy and have applied it previously with addition and subtraction.  Here are some
examples of homework this week.

Partial Differences With Renaming
  4 6 7 400 + 60 + 7   1.  Show the minuend in expanded form.          
-  2 9 8 200 + 90 + 8   2.  Show the subtrahend in expanded form.
  2 0 0      200 - 30  - 1  3. Subtract the hundreds, then the tens, and the ones.
  -  3 0                          4.  Add the partial differences--200 - 30 - 1 = 169
 1  7 0                           5.  Watch out for negative numbers!!
     - 1
 1  6 9

Homework for Week 23
Worksheet-Partial Differences-Renaming Tens
Worksheet-Partial Differences-Renaming Hundreds
Worksheet-Partial Differences-Renaming Tens and Hundreds
Assessment Today-No Homework
Have  great week!
Miss Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Week 22 -- 2/19--2/22

                                                                                                               February 19, 2018
Dear Parents,

Valentine’s Day may be over but Miss Garcia and I are still feeling the love from all the cards, candy,
and gifts that students gave us.  From the bottom of our hearts--THANK YOU!!

Miss Garcia and myself hope that everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend!  It was so nice to have
an extra day but we are ready for another great week in 2nd grade!

Students have continued to work on adding and subtracting with renaming within 1,000.  This past
week students focused on the branch method.  Students picked up on this strategy quickly.  

This week we are focusing on Partial Sums.  The students should be familiar with this
strategy and have applied it previously with addition and subtraction.  Here are some
examples of homework this week.
Partial Sums with Renaming
Renaming in the tens place.
   3 2 6   300 + 20 + 6    1.  Show the first addend in expanded form.         
+  4 5 7   400 + 50 + 7     2.  Show the second addend in expanded form.
  7 0 0      700 +  70 + 13     3.  Add the hundreds, then the tens, and the ones.
     7 0                                 4.  Add the partial sums--700 + 70 + 13 =783
 +  1 3
  7 8 3                 
Renaming in the hundreds place.
   3 8 6   300 + 80 + 6    1.  Show the first addend in expanded form.         
+  4 5 3   400 + 50 + 3     2.  Show the second addend in expanded form.
  7 0 0      700 + 130 + 9     3.  Add the hundreds, then the tens, and the ones.
  1 3 0                                 4.  Add the partial sums--700 + 130 + 9 =839
 +    9
  8 3 9                 
Renaming in the tens and hundreds place.
3 6 6   300 + 60 + 6    1.  Show the first addend in expanded form.         
+  4 5 7   400 + 50 + 7     2.  Show the second addend in expanded form.
  7 0 0      700 + 110 + 13     3.  Add the hundreds, then the tens, and the ones.
  1 1 0                                    4.  Add the partial sums--700 + 110 + 13 =823
 +  1 3
  8 2 3                 

Here is what we will be working on for homework this week:
Worksheet: Partial Sums Renaming in the Tens
Worksheet: Partial Sums Renaming in the Hundreds
Worksheet: Partial Sums Renaming in the Tens and Hundreds

In language, students will be increasing their vocabulary by working with synonyms.
 Students will be ordering words by intensity.  For example, angry and livid are synonyms
for the word mad.  If you ordered these synonyms from weakest to strongest, they would be
mad, angry, livid.

Students are still working on editing and revising their Snow Creature stories.  This narrative
writing assignment has been the longest writing our 2nd graders have written.  Our
teacher/student conferencing is taking a bit longer and has been hard to schedule.  Miss
Garcia and myself are hoping to meet with all students this week.  From the conferencing
that we have completed, we think the wait will be well worth it.  

It looks like it’s going to be another chilly week and students are outside for recess and P.E.
 Please be sure that you child is dressed for the weather with a jacket or sweatshirt.

Reading News from Mrs. Rowlett
Thank you for all the wonderful Valentines!! I truely feel loved. Here are a couple reminders for the up coming weeks.

  • Next week 1st and 2nd graders will be taking the MAPS test. We took this test at the beginning of the year. Miss Garcia and I are looking forward to seeing all the great progress the students have made.
  • We will not have a spelling test this week due to the short week.

Shannon Garcia & Mrs. Rowlett

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thank You!

Bighorn Families, 

Image result for thank you clipart

Thank you for the kind and thoughtful Valentine's Day gifts!  It was an exciting and fun filled day filled with kindness, friendship and love!

Miss Garcia

Monday, February 12, 2018

Week 21 - February 12

                                                                                                                    February 12, 2018
Dear Parents,

Happy Valentine’s Week!!  As has been mentioned in last week’s blog, since Valentine’s Day is on
a school day, we will be celebrating it with a small party on Wednesday.  Students may bring in
Valentines to give to their classmates.  We will pass out Valentines and play some Valentine related
games on Wednesday afternoon from 3:15 till 3:55 pm.  We are keeping it very simple!!

We have continued working on adding with renaming within 1,000.  This is a very complicated
standard (remember, it was started at the end of the first trimester).  All of the time has been very
worthwhile, as students are really picking up on the renaming, because it is all done through
decomposing and composing numbers students are really understanding how to break down
and rename the different place values.  

This past week we focused on addition using branch method on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday.  This week we will continue to work on adding with renaming within 1,000 and will
work on subtracting with renaming in the one’s and ten’s place.  Here's an example...

      762   -    43  =                     1.  Decompose numbers by place value.
     ↙↓↘         ↙ ↘                      2.  Group hundreds.  Group tens.  Group ones.
700  60 2    40    3                      3.  Subtract hundreds. Subtract tens. Subtract ones.
(700 - 0) + (60 - 40) + (2 - 3)      4.  Watch out for negative differences.
    700       +    20     -     1  =       5.  Write and solve renamed equation.   
        720 - 1 = 719   
Here's the homework for the week...

Worksheet: Addition Branching with renaming 1’s and10’s
Worksheet: Subtraction Branching with renaming 1’s
No Homework  Enjoy Valentine’s Day with your family
IXL - I.2 Add multiples of 10 or 100 (use your mental math skills)

In Language we are finishing up our work with capitalization using MINTS.  Students have
worked on a resource for our room to remind us to capitalize the names months, days, and
holidays, the pronoun I, the names of people, places, and products, titles, and the start of a
sentence.  We will be assessing on this skill on Tuesday.

All writers in 2nd grade have completed their rough drafts of a narrative.  Students will spend part
of the week doing self editing and revising and sharing their narratives with others.  Students will
be conferencing and completing their final draft by the week’s end.

In projects students have been learning about maps.  Students have completed making a map of
their rooms which included a title, compass rose, and a key.  

Remember that President’s Day is coming up on Monday, February 19th, there will be no school.
 Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and a Happy President’s Day!

Miss Garcia