Sunday, January 28, 2018

Week 19 - 1/29-2/1

Dear Parents,

Although we are on trimesters, this week marks the halfway point of the school year.
 It’s hard to believe that in 18 weeks your 2nd grader will be a 3rd grader.  Time is going so fast!

With the 2nd semester starting this week our schedule is changing slighty.   Our specials (Bloomfield
will have Drama and Garcia will have Mr. Lenon.) will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
12:30 to 1:15 pm.  P.E. will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30 to 3:15 pm

Math Night
Tuesday, January 30th Oasis Academy will host a Math Night.  It will start at 5:30 pm with a
short meeting in the cafeteria.  Students and parents will be able to visit classrooms to play
math games.  This will be a “free flowing” type evening without formal classroom presentations.  
Miss Garcia and myself hope you are able to stop by and play!

Book Order
Mrs. Jackson sent home Scholastic Book Orders to Mrs. Bloomfield’s class on Thursday afternoon.
 If you would like to order books to build your home library, please do so by Wednesday, January
31st.  Mrs. Jackson will be sending book order sheets home on a regular basis.

Our work in Math last week and for the next few weeks will be focusing on addition and subtraction
with renaming.  We will be using the same strategies (open number line, branch method, and partial
sums and differences) that students have already been taught.

This week we worked on decomposing and composing ones and tens to help us make the next ten
or next 100 so that we could easily add.
Here's what it looked like...

Example 1:  Adding ones by making the next ten.

56  +  7 = ____          1.  The next ten after 56 is 60.
        ↙ ↘                 2.  To get to 60 you need 4, so the 7 gets decomposed into 4 and 3.     
       4    3                      Then take the 4 and compose it with the 56 to make 60.
60 + 3 = 63                  3.  The renamed equation is 60 + 3 = 63.

Example 2:  Adding tens by making the next hundred.
450  +  90 = ___        1.  The next hundred after 450 is 500.
          ↙ ↘                  2.  To get to 500 you need 50, so the 90 get decomposed into 50 and
       50   40                   40.  Then take the 50 and compose it with the 450 to make 500.
500 + 40 = 540          3.  The renamed equation is 500 + 40 = 540.
After solving the equation, students used the open number strategy to check their answers.
As was mentioned last week homework for the week will be worksheets because the standards
being worked on are not on IXL.  This will be the case for the next few weeks.

Worksheet Branching Renaming Ones (addition)
No Homework --- Come to Math Night!!
Worksheet Branching Renaming Tens (addition)
Worksheet Branching Renaming Ones (Subtraction)

Second grade writers are now working on narrative writing.  Students have been listening to
narratives and using a “quick sketch” note taker to map out the beginning, middle, and end.
Students will be using the “quick sketch” to get their own ideas down for a narrative about the
of a “snowman” or other “snow critter” at night.

In language students are working with compound words.  Compound words are words that are made
up of 2 or more words.  Students will be identifying compound words and give the definition of the
compound word.  An example of a compound word would be campfire.  The definition for campfire
is a fire that is by a camp site.

Students will be starting a new project area this week--geography!  Some of the areas students
will be involved with are learning about maps, creating a map, identifying groups within a community,
and much more.

Wishing everyone a happy and productive week.  Hopefully you’ll be able to stop and visit us during
Math Night!
Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia

Friday, January 26, 2018

Math Night

On Tuesday, January 30th, Oasis Academy will be hosting Family Math Night.  All families will meet in the cafeteria at 5:30 and then break out into different classrooms for fun games and math activities.  Mrs. Bloomfield will have 2nd math activities and I will have activities geared towards 1st Graders in Room 3.  See you there!
Image result for math clipart

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week 18 - 1/22 - 1/25

Dear Bighorn Parents,

Although last week was a short week due to the Martin Luther King holiday, it was definitely a busy one in 2nd grade.  

MathMeasuring Tape, Measurement ...
In math we have continued our work in measurement.  Students have spent quite a bit of time estimating and measuring in both customary (inches) and metric (centimeters).  In class we have been discussing what unit of measurement is appropriate for measuring items.  For example you wouldn’t measure the length of the room in inches or centimeters.  We will continue our work in measurement this week.  


Worksheet - Measuring with inches pg. 35
Worksheet - Inches, feet or yards?  Pg. 37
IXL S.3 - Which customary unit of length is appropriate?
Measurement Assessment - No Homework.

Students have been learning about pronouns (words that take the place of a noun).  We have worked with personal pronouns (I, you, they, and we... to name a few), possessive pronouns which show ownership (mine, his hers, and theirs), and finally reflexive pronouns (himself, ourselves, and myself).  
Personal Pronoun Example
My brothers went fishing last Saturday.
They went fishing last Saturday.
Possessive Pronoun Example
Mike’s fish was the biggest.
His fish was the biggest.
Reflexive Pronoun Example
Mike unhooked the fish himself.
We will finish up with pronouns this week and move onto compound words.

We are just finishing learning about solids, liquids, and gases.  Students have been enjoying a series of videos called Mystery Science and doing the activities that come with them.  The final piece will be using knowledge about the properties of matter to come up with an invention.  Next week we will moving into a new project area of Geography, stay tuned!!

Anne Bloomfield

Shannon Garcia

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

week 17 1/15-1/18

Dear Parents,

Our first week back was busy!!  It was exciting to hear about everyone’s Winter Break adventures.  Overall our 2nd graders did a lot of traveling Utah, California, and Idaho; but some 2nd graders traveled as far as Illinois and Vermont.  Whether students traveled or stayed local everyone had a good break and came back ready to learn.

We started the new year out with finishing our Geometry Unit and beginning our Unit on Measuring.  Our week began with students using nonstandard units to measure classroom objects.  Students enjoyed using different nonstandard units to measure the object.  We were then able to discuss why an object measured with different nonstandard units had different measurements.
Here is a saying we use in order to measure with accuracy.  There are hand movements to go with it… “End to end, no gaps, no overlaps.”  Have them say and show you!  We will continue to practice next week.

“End to end…        no gaps…       no overlaps”
File_002.jpeg               File_000.jpeg                File_001.jpeg
This week students will spend time with nonstandard units and discussing standard measurement.  We will look at different types of measurement (length, weight, time, capacity,  and temperature) and the tools used to measure each measurement (rulers, tape measure, scale, clock, watch, calender, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and thermometers).  Finally students will get some practice estimating and measuring lengths to the nearest inch and centimeter.

Here's the homework for the week.

No School Martin Luther King Day
IXL S.2 Measure Using An Inch Ruler
IXL  S. 8  Measure Using A Centimeter Ruler
IXL S.1 Read A Thermometer

The students completed a very short but technology filled writing assignment using the acronym JOY.  The J stands for something the student just did, the O stands for one thing the student wants to improve in during 2018, and the Y stands for something special about you.  Students spent time talking and sharing their responses to the 3 statements.  They then wrote a rough draft on paper.  Students also worked on final copies on the computer.  This week students will be presenting their JOY to the class for an oral language grade.
In language students reviewed and assessed on adjectives and adverbs.  We then moved onto pronouns (words that take the place of nouns).  Students have worked with personal (I, we, they, she), but will work with possessive (my, hers, their, our) and reflexive (myself, themselves, yourself) pronouns this week.  We are using them in sentences and identifying the subject that the pronoun is taking the place of or referring back to.

Mrs. Bloomfield likes to ski. She (referring back to Mrs. Bloomfield) hopes to go on Friday. (Personal Pronoun)
Josh will feed his cat in the morning.  (Possessive Pronoun)
Hannah and Kellan will make themselves a sandwich. (Reflexive Pronoun)

Miss Garcia and I  hope everyone is getting back into their regular routines and had a relaxing weekend.  As always, looking forward to another wonderful week in Second Grade.

Anne Bloomfield
Miss Garcia

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Week 16 Jan. 8 - Jan. 11

New Year'S Eve, Annual ...

                                                                               January 8, 2018

Happy 2018 Bighorn Families,

Happy New Year!!  Miss Garcia and myself hope you enjoyed your holiday season as much as we did.  It was great fun to spend time baking, shopping, traveling, and enjoying the company of family and friends.  Vacation was very relaxing and we feel so ready to come back to school.  We can hardly wait to see all the kiddos!!

We'd like to send out a huge thank you for all the wonderful Christmas gifts.  After school on December 20th, we were presented with a Christmas stocking filled with all sorts of wonderful goodies.  We were very overwhelmed with such a generous gifts.  Thank you so much!!

Our Christmas Party was a hit thanks to the many parents that donated goodies and their time to run a station.  It was fun for both 2nd grade classes to be together and have choices about their activities.  Here is a slideshow with a few pictures along with pictures from when we made hats out of a set amount of items.

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The week of before Winter Break our classes were hit hard by the flu, with many absent children and the excitement of vacation and Christmas it was not a good time to assess on 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes.  That being said we will start the new year reviewing 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes on Monday and assess on Tuesday.

On Wednesday and Thursday students will begin with measuring.  Second graders will be expected to work on and meet the following standards:

  • measure to determine which objects are longer than others
  • estimate lengths using centimeters, inches, and feet
  • measure an object twice using different units of measurements
  • select appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks or measuring tapes in order to measure accurately.

IXL U.5  Identify Faces of 3-Dimensional Shapes
IXL U.1  Name the 3-Dimensional Shape
Worksheet pg. 45-46
IXL S.15 Choose the appropriate measuring tool
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Remember that Monday, January 15th is Martin Luther King Day.  We will not have school!  Enjoy the extra long weekend!!

As Miss Garcia and myself look back on 2017, we can't believe the changes we've seen in the students.  With 2017 behind us, we’re excited to see the growth and development that 2018 will bring!

Anne Bloomfield
Shannon Garcia