Sunday, April 24, 2016

                                                                                                  April 25, 2016
Dear Bighorn Parents,

It is said that April showers bring May flowers, that could be the case this week.  Please be sure to check the weather so that your child is dressed properly for recess.  It never ceases to amaze me how different the temperature can be in Northern Nevada during the spring.

We have completed instruction in all 2nd grade math standards!!  For the remainder of the school year, we will be focusing on standards that have not been completely mastered.  Our math will consist of many “mini lessons” and “mini assessments” on previously taught material to ensure that students who previously were at mastery level are still there and students that had not mastered a standard have the opportunity for additional instruction and practice so that they may be reassessed.

This week the focus will be on line plots, bar graphs, and picture graphs.  Students will be using data to create graphs.  They will also use the above mentioned graphs to answer questions.  

Line Plot
Books Read in 1 Week
            X     X
            X     X           X    X  
            X     X   X     X    X     X    
      X    X     X   X     X    X     X    
0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8
Picture Graph
This image rendered as PNG in
Bar Graph
levels of the children in


IXL R.7 Create Line Plots

Spring activities (baseball, softball, Sound of Music, and lacrosse) are in full swing!!  It’s so fun to watch students participate in these activities.  We have had a lot of tired students this past week.  Miss Garcia and I realize that all these activities can lead to some late nights (not getting home until 9:00 PM or later).  Remember to adjust schedules if needed.  We have had our own children complete homework assignments on the way to practice or games.  

Mrs. Bloomfield

Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Quarter 4 -- Week 5

by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      by tdlucas5000 Spring is here!      

                                                                                                                       April 18, 2016
Dear Parents,

The school year continues to fly by, it’s hard to believe that we only have 5 weeks left of school!!  

In Math, 2nd graders will be starting their last “new” unit of the school year--multiplication.  We will be using number bonds and the terms equal groups, repeated addition, and arrays as we explore this concept.  Students will spend time drawing lots of pictures as we learn the foundation of multiplication.

Number Bond
▋ ▋ ▋ ▋     ▋ ▋▋ ▋      ▋ ▋ ▋▋
This number bond can be described the following ways....

Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 = 12
Equal Groups...3 groups of 4 equals 12

Array                     C
ROWS   Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   L      This array can be described as...
          Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   U       Repeated Addition...4 + 4 + 4 = 12
          Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball   M       Equal Groups… 3 rows of 4
                            N       Multiplication Sentence...3 X 4 =12

Here’s the homework for the week...
IXL W.2 Identify Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
IXL W.3 Write Multiplication Sentences for Equal Groups
IXL W.4 Relate Addition and Multiplication Sentences
for Equal Groups
IXL W.5 Write Multiplication Sentences for Arrays

This week promises to be busy with beautiful weather.  We hope our 2nd grade families are able to get out and enjoy spring in Fallon!!

Mrs. Bloomfield
Miss Garcia

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 32: 2nd Grade Math

Week 32
                                                                                  April 11, 2016
Dear Parents,

Last week we worked on solving 2 step word problems focusing on money.  All week the students were guided through problems, worked in partners and worked independently solving word problems involving money.  Thursday, the assessment showed that the 2nd grade students need to continue to work on two-step word problems as well as adding up an amount of money then subtracting the amount from the original amount.  This week we will continue to and subtract with money amounts outside of word problems as well as within word problems!

A fun and easy activity for your second grader to work on at home to build this concept is to sort, count and add up an amount of coins.

Homework for Week 32

IXL P.4 Count money up to $1
IXL P.5 Count money up to $5
Worksheet - Word problems dealing with money $$$
IXL P.6 Equivalent amounts of money up to $1
A Note From Mrs. Rowlett
Last week was our last week of spelling.  2nd graders will not longer have spelling words to study!  

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 31
                                                                                  April 4, 2016
Dear Parents,

Welcome back from Spring Break!  We hope you had an wonderful, fun and relaxing time.  We saw lots of Facebook posts and pictures, it looks like everyone had a great time!  It’s that time to get back into the swing of school.  This week we will be focusing on adding up to four numbers to find a sum as well as word problems involving: adding, subtracting in both money and measurement.

Please remember, there are a TON of sports going on at this time of year however, your child’s number one job is school and to make sure that they are keeping up on their reading and math homework!  Please continue to support the importance of their school work.

Homework for Week 31
IXL G.16 Word Problems - add up to 4 digits
IXL I.4 Word Problems - up to 3 digits
IXL I.6 Write an addition sentence up to 3 digits
IXL L.9 Word Problems up to 100