Happy Spring and Happy Easter
March 21, 2016
Dear Parents.
Thanks for making Parent Teacher Conferences great!! Friday was definitely a packed day, but it was very fun to meet with so many families to discuss the progress of your student. I only have a handful of conferences for this week and I am looking forward to visiting with these families as well!
This past week students spent time exploring fractions. So far students have worked on naming fractions of a whole, recognizing the unit fractions one half, one third, and one fourth. Students have also worked on identifying, reading, and writing fractions.
3/4 is 3 out of the 4 equal parts.
Our work in fractions will continue this week with an assessment on Thursday. Here's this week's homework.
IXL U.4-Which Shape Illustrates a Fraction?
IXL U.5 & U.9- Order fractions With Like Numerators
Review Worksheets
No Homework--Happy Spring Break
In language students have been working on correctly placing commas in writing. We practiced writing friendly letters to place commas in the date, greeting, and closing.
Part of our language time was spent working on reciting poetry. This falls under our speaking standards. The poem students recited was called "On St. Patrick's Day". As a class we came up with motions to go with the poem. On St. Patricks Day we recited the poem to Mrs. Marsh's kindergarten class, Miss Garcia's class, and the front office staff.
Our new project is focused on plants. Last week students soaked and planted bean seeds. Each child planted 3 seeds. The first seed will receive sun and water, the second seed will receive sun and no water, and the third seed will receive water and no sun. It will be interesting to see how well the plants grow.
This week will be busy as we count down the days to till Spring Break!! Wishing you all a safe and fun-filled Easter and Spring Break.
Happy Spring,
Miss Garcia