Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quarter 3 week 9

February 29, 2016

Dear Parents,

Now this is something that doesn't happen every year...Monday is Leap Day!  The students and I have been talking about the extra day in our calendar this year.  A regular year is 365.25 days, every 4 years the extra .25 (quarter) add up to a whole extra day!  Questions to ask your child if Leap Day happens every 4 years...

When was the last Leap Day?
When will be the next Leap Day?

It is just a week of special days as Tuesday, March 1st is the 100th Day of School and March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

Here's all the Room 3 happenings from last week...

Second grade students are working on their time unit.  In second grade are standard is to tell time to the nearest 5 minutes.  We have been very busy reviewing the parts of the clock--minute hand (the longer one) and hour hand (the shorter one).  Students have been practicing the ways to say the time different ways.

For example:
3:15 can be said...
...three fifteen
...fifteen minutes past three
...fifteen minutes after three
...quarter past three
...quarter after three

We are almost finished with our shared writing projects about animals.  This week will practice reading reports and posting our Slide Show.  We are planning on presenting to our parents on Thursday, so MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Thursday, March 3rd at 2:15!  We hope to present in the cafeteria, if not it will be in our classroom.

Week 27 Homework...
Test review pg. 128
IXL G.14 Add 3 digits up to two numbers in a word problem
IXL P.10 Word Problems - Adding up money up to $1
IXL P.12 Word Problems-Subtracting $

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 8

Happy Monday Bighorns,

Well...we are back to a full work week AND we should be finished with homework sheets for the MOST part!  We will begin the week with telling time!  The second grade standard is to: tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest 5 minutes, differentiating between a.m and p.m.

Last week we focused on Partial Sums and Differences with Renaming a number.  The students did a great job working together and coaching their partner!  We even held a relay race with word problems and invited Mrs. Mackedon to come down to watch as we worked together towards ACCURACY not who was the first group finished!  Each group had 100% accuracy!!
We will review these concepts and also work on a new concept called “Arrow Diagrams.”  We will mainly focus on this concept in class, Mrs. Bloomfield worked on this concept last year when the kids were in first grade!

Arrow Diagram-
51 + 34 =
                +30     +4
51 81  85
Basically you add the tens together to find a sum, then add the ones, and find the sum by drawing an arrow to each new sum.

Writing - we hope to complete our partner projects, practice and find a time for the parents to come in so that the students can present them to their families.  The kids had to make a cover page, resource page, type up facts and then make a small slideshow displaying their animal and both a political and physical map of where there animal lives.

Projects - our class continues to focus on Geography.  We have been discussing political vs. physical maps.  We also pulled in some geography into our writing projects by adding a physical and political map to which area each animal was native to.  

First and second graders were invited to explore the middle school's simple machine projects.  They had a great time seeing all the great work of the middle school kids. They were very inventive.  Here are a few pictures from this...

Homework for the week of February 22nd...
IXL - Q.1 Match analog clocks and times
IXL - Q.2  Match digital clocks and times
IXL - Q.3 Match analog and digital clocks
Q.4 Read clocks: hour and half hour/half past

Monday, February 15, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 7

Week 25

Hello 2nd Grade Families,

This week in math we will continue to work on addition and subtraction strategies within 1,000, focusing on Partial Sums and Partial Differences as our main strategy.

The students have applied the two following strategies: Branching and Open Number Lines for  addition and subtraction.  This week they are focusing on Partial Sums and Differences.  The students should be familiar with this strategy and have applied it previously with addition and subtraction.  Here is an example of homework this week.

Partial Sums with Renaming

     2 6 4                           1.  Add the hundreds place.
    +  3 7                           2.  Add the tens place.
   2 0 0 + 0 =     2 0 0       3.  Add the ones place.
      6 0 + 3 0 =     9 0       4.  Add all partial sums.
         4 + 7 =     + 1 1      
                       200 + 100 + 1 = 301

Here is what we will be working on for homework this week:
Worksheet: Partial sums
Worksheet: Partial Differences
Worksheet: Partial sums and differences
Due to the short week 2nd graders will not have a spelling list to work on this week.

Have a great week!!
Miss. Garcia and Mrs. Rowlett

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Quarter 3 Week 6

Happy Monday Bighorns,

February is already flying by!  Please remember the following information about Valentine's Day...

Valentine’s Day
Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, Oasis Academy will not be holding parties for Valentine’s Day or having students pass out Valentines.  With Valentine’s Day included in the long President’s Day Weekend, Oasis families are encouraged to celebrate Valentine’s Day with their families.

Writing - The 2nd graders are paired up to participate in a shared writing project on animals.  Together, they chose one animal to study and research.  They were to use multiple resources to read, recall and gather information from the resources chosen to write about and answer questions about their animal!
Projects - The students are working on Geography - “On the Map.”  With guidance, the students have used Google Maps to search local and nearby places starting with Oasis Academy...we discovered that our building looked much different in 2009 than it does now!  We have also narrowed the search to North America, Nevada, Churchill County and Fallon as well as discussing physical features on a map.  Most recently we read about a compass and legend on a map.

Week 24 Homework
Worksheet: Branching with renaming 100’s
Worksheet: Branching with renaming 10’s and 100’s
Worksheet: Word Problems
No Homework due to assessment.

This week we had a great time reading with the first graders and also playing a sums to 20 math game with cards.  Check out the slideshow below.

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